Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Last week"s assignment

Hello and I am so sorry for not posting the last two weeks or so. I would like to be more careful and make this blog more fun to read for everyone.

On this post I would like to talk a little about a another food related blog that I looked at and that is neverseconds.org. My first impression was that the first post said 10 million hits and I thought "wow!! That's a lot!!" And as I started to scroll down, there were pictures of some volunteer work, meals, and it looked healthy too. While reading some posts, I was so moved by how much volunteer work she has done and how much children she has helped, it made me want to help other people also. I should be thankful that I have food to eat everyday, every meal.
This picture is when I ate spaghetti for dinner :)\

It also looks like she has been going to many places around the world and I really admire her for how big she's working. My dream is to work worldwide also, so I would like to take her work as an example. 

Hmmm....volunteer work.  I wonder if there are any that I can do. I really love children and doing things for other people that make them smile and happy. So to the people who read this, if you know any, if you could leave some comments I would really appreciate it! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you felt inspired by Martha Payne's blog and activities.

    As for volunteer work with children, there are orphanages (group care) homes in Tokyo (and throughout Japan) where you would probably be able to volunteer to tutor children or play with them. The Tokyo English Life Line has various outreach programs for children that you might get involved with too. I hope your classmates can make some other suggestions.
